U2 - Picture Of You Text

Songtext zu Picture Of You

[Verse 1]
My cell is ringing, no ID
I want to know who’s calling
My garden’s overgrown
I go out on my belly’s crawling
I got CCTV, pornography, CNBC
I got the nightly news to
Get to know the enemy

[Pre-Chorus 1]
All I want is a picture of you
All I want is to get right next to you
All I want is your picture in a locket
Your face in my pocket

Take a pill to stop it

[Verse 2]
I’m going nowhere
Where I am, it is a lot of fun
There in the desert
To dismantle an atomic bomb
I watch you shadow box
Check the stocks, I’m in detox
Want a lot of what you got
What you got can make this stop

[Pre-Chorus 2]
All I want is a picture of you
All I want is to get right next to you
All I want is your picture in a locket
Your face in my pocket
Take a pill to stop it

Save me, savе me from myself
I know that you’ve been good to mе
Now, I need you not to be
Wake me, I fear I can’t be asleep
Try not to look so bored
You’re buying things you cannot afford
I got yours, and I know you want mine
Xanax and wine

[Pre-Chorus 3]
All I want is a picture of you
All I want is to get right next to you
All I want is your picture in a locket
Your face in my pocket
Take a pill to stop it

[Chorus 2]
Save me, save me from myself
I know that you’ve been good to me
Now, I need you not to be
Wake me, I fear I can’t be asleep
I’m buying things I cannot afford
I’m on a high diving board
I got yours, and I know you want mine
Xanax and wine

Don't you worry 'bout your mind
Seems I worry all the time
Don't you worry, you'll be fine
You should worry 'bout the day
That the pain, it goes away
You know I miss mine sometimes

There is no fiction that will truly fit the situation
I'm documenting every detail, every conversation
Not used to talking to somebody in their body
Somebody in a body
Is somebody in a body
In a body, there's somebody
Somebody in a body
There's somebody in a body
There's somebody

U2 - Picture Of You (X+W) Songtext

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Album: How to Re-Assemble an Atomic Bomb (2024)

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