Songtext zu Just Go
we called itlove
love ignore the signs we' seen and read
that two and I we both regret now I oh I
I'm hurting for that pain you gave me
how you made me oh you changed me till
I've had
enough this ain't
love ain't
love love
When everybody treats you so heartless
When the world can cast the blanket of coal
When all the people around you feel toxic
You got to learn to let them go
You walked these halls before open out that door And just go
Just go
Just go
go these open
eyes they
cry through all the things you've done
to me how could someone still believe in
love I really hope you happy living life
without me I was always the
one until he came
along oh oh when everybody treats you so
hardless when the work can cast a
blanket of
C when all the people around you feel
tox toxic you got to learn to let them
go you walk these SS before hey open up
that door oh just
go just
go when everybody treats you so
heartless when the world can cast a
blanket of
C when all the people around you feel
toxic you got to learn to let them go
you walk these HS before open up that
door just
go just go
oh n n
n n n
n n n nah
n Go
Tyler Rayn - Just Go Songtext
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