Tony Iommi - Deified Text

Songtext zu Deified

[Verse 1]
I am one, one that shines
Yeah, I was born of a scorpion´s mind
I am one, so alive
Don´t try to teach me what your lips can´t decide

I´m the sun, so alive
A simple breath´s all I need to get by
Words you speak are like dirt in my mind
I´m gonna burn till all the stars die

Flame on
I used to bleed like a suicide mother

Flame on
And now I breathe in this dirty black summer
Flame on
I bought the truth in the mouth of my brother
Flame on
I used to bleed like a suicide motherfucker

[Verse 2]
As it is, thought divine
A diamond seed in the heart of all mind
All is truth, truth it shines
Don´t hesitate for the world it divides

Flame on
I used to bleed like a suicide mother
Flame on
And now I breathe in this dirty black summer
Flame on

I bought the truth in the mouth of my brother
Flame on
I used to bleed like a suicide motherfucker

Flame on
I used to bleed like a suicide mother
Flame on
And now I breathe in this dirty black summer
Flame on
I bought the truth in the mouth of my brother
Flame on
I used to bleed like a suicide motherfucker

Flame on
I used to bleed like a suicide mother
Flame on
And now I breathe in this dirty black summer
Flame on
I bought the truth in the mouth of my brother
Flame on
I used to bleed like a suicide motherfucker

Tony Iommi - Deified Songtext

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Album: Iommi (2000)

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