Tony Banks - You Text

Songtext zu You

How strange I never noticed
Your eyes, or the colour of your hair
It seems to me you grow more beautiful
In every way
With every single passing day
Love crept in unseen
Found me wanting
I didn't even have the sense to know
What I was missing
Or what I was soon to feel for
You the laughter
You a reason to live
You the object of all the love I can give
And all that I possess

You who meant nothing when I was younger

It seems a memory from another life
Did you ever think we'd meet this way
Feel this way
Did you really even care?
Some changes I foresaw
But not this one
This feeling I would not have understood
Strange to think
I might have lived my whole life without
You the laughter
You a reason to live
You the object of all the love I can give
And all that I possess
You who meant nothing when I was younger

Tony Banks - You Songtext

zu You von Tony Banks - You Lyrics Tony Banks - You Text You Tony Banks You Liedtext
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Album: A Curious Feeling (1979)

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