Songtext zu Silver Linings
[Verse 1]You're my one-way operator
You're my lifestyle indicator
You're alright, alright
You're my full-time hellraiser
None of the rules don't seem to phase ya
But you're alright, alright by me
(Ooh-ooh-oooh) You make me feel good
(Ooh-ooh-oooh) With your white lies
(Ooh-ooh-oooh) You make me feel good
With your white lies
Truth is I only want your white lies
Want you to tell 'em to me two times
Baby, who cares what's right
White lies
Truth is I only want your white lies
Girl, you know I gotta have you two times
Baby, who cares what's right
[Verse 2]
You're my slippery liberty-takеr
You're my freelance chance-makеr
You're alright, alright
You're my three-times champion risker
You're my world-class spinning sister
You're alright, alright by me
(Ooh-ooh-oooh) You make me feel good
(Ooh-ooh-oooh) With your white lies
(Ooh-ooh-oooh) You make me feel good
With your white lies
Truth is I only want your white lies
Want you to tell 'em to me two times
Baby, who cares what's right
White lies
Truth is I only want your white lies
Girl, you know I gotta have you two times
Baby, who cares what's right
(Ooh-ooh-oooh) You make me feel good
(Ooh-ooh-oooh) With your white lies
(Ooh-ooh-oooh) You make me feel good
(Ooh-ooh-oooh) Yeah, yeah, yeah
I don't care what any anyone else says
I don't care what any anyone else says
I don't care what any anyone else says
I don't care what any anyone else says
I don't care what any anyone else says
I don't care what any anyone else says
I don't care what any anyone else says
I don't care what any anyone else says
White lies
Truth is I only want your white lies
Want you to tell 'em to me two times
Baby, who cares what's right
White lies
Truth is I only want your white lies
Girl, you know I gotta have you two times
Baby, who cares what's right
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I don't care what any anyone else says
Tom Meighan - Silver Linings Songtext
zu Silver Linings von Tom Meighan - Silver Linings Lyrics Tom Meighan - Silver Linings Text Silver Linings Tom Meighan Silver Linings LiedtextTom Meighan Silver Linings Letra de Silver Linings com Tom Meighan Tom Meighan - Silver Linings Songtekst Tom Meighan - Silver Linings Tekst
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Silver Linings
Songtext von
Tom Meighan
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