Tish Hyman & Hokage Simon - Lucky Text

Songtext zu Lucky

Got air in my lungs
I'm so lucky
I got shoes on my feet
I'm so lucky
Got a roof over my head
I'm lucky
I got water to drink
I'm so lucky
Got light in my eyes
I'm so lucky
I got love in my life
I'm so lucky
I got fate on my side

I'm so lucky
I'm so lucky

[Verse 1]
I do what I love every day
I always make a way out of no way
In this life you give more than you take
All my life I'll give my heart away
Cause I know it'll come back three times
I won't trade money for a peace of mind
Always keep my eyes on the prize
Sunrise look up to the sky

Got air in my lungs
I'm so lucky
I got shoes on my feet
I'm so lucky
Got a roof over my head

I'm lucky
I got water to drink
I'm so lucky
Got light in my eyes
I'm so lucky
I got love in my life
I'm so lucky
I got fatе on my side
I'm so lucky
I'm so lucky

[Verse 2]
I got air in my lungs
I'm feeling gratitude
I know my latitude
Is basеd off my attitude
I know my worth is never based off my contribution
I know my rights weren't considered by the constitution
But I still wake Up every day and try to find solutions
Some call it luck I work for mine
Just so it's no confusion
This is revolution
Mixed with execution
Some call it luck I work for mine
Just so there's no confusion

Got air in my lungs
I'm so lucky
I got shoes on my feet
I'm so lucky
Got a roof over my head
I'm lucky
I got water to drink
I'm so lucky
Got light in my eyes
I'm so lucky
I got love in my life
I'm so lucky
I got fate on my side
I'm so lucky
I'm so lucky

[Verse 3]
I've never been in trouble with the law
But I'm not perfect no
I some got flaws
You know you gotta crawl before you walk
So I paid it cost to be the boss
Even when I'm going through it I'm not stuck
A real man makes his own luck
I know so many feel like giving up
But we're alive and that's enough

Got air in my lungs
I'm so lucky
I got shoes on my feet
I'm so lucky
Got a roof over my head
I'm lucky
I got water to drink
I'm so lucky
Got light in my eyes
I'm so lucky
I got love in my life
I'm so lucky
I got fate on my side
I'm so lucky
I'm so lucky

Tish Hyman und Hokage Simon - Lucky GC PRESENTS: Evergreen (Live) Songtext

zu Lucky GC PRESENTS: Evergreen (Live) von Tish Hyman & Hokage Simon - Lucky Lyrics Hokage Simon & Tish Hyman - Lucky GC PRESENTS: Evergreen (Live) Text Lucky GC PRESENTS: Evergreen (Live) Tish Hyman & Hokage Simon Lucky GC PRESENTS: Evergreen (Live) Liedtext
Tish Hyman & Hokage Simon Lucky Letra de Lucky com Tish Hyman & Hokage Simon Tish Hyman & Hokage Simon - Lucky Songtekst Tish Hyman & Hokage Simon - Lucky - GC PRESENTS: Evergreen (Live) Tekst

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