Tindersticks - New World Text

Songtext zu New World

[Verse 1]
Baby, I was falling
But the shit that I was falling through
I thought it was just the world rising
Maybe I was crawling
Everything moved past me slow
I thought it was just the world sliding

Maybe it's a new world
Maybe it's a new world
Maybe it's a new world
Maybe it's a new world

[Verse 2]
Thundering and lightning
And the ground began to moan
My days were just breaking
Shaking and collapsing
The gateway began to moan
Was it all of my making?

Maybe it's a new world
Maybe it's a new world
Maybe it's a new world
Maybe it's a new world

I won't let my love become my weakness
I won't let my love become my wеakness

[Verse 3]

Everything that I was holding
Everything that I was trying to provе
Everything that I was hiding
Everything that I was going through
Everything that I was holding
Everything that I was trying to lose
Everything that I was dreaming
Everything was nothing new

I won't let my love become my weakness
I won't let my love become my weakness
I won't let my love become my weakness

Still trying to find a little conversation
Still trying to find a little sense of the smell
All this breaking must be good for something
But I'm so wrong, I'm so proud

[Verse 4]
Baby, I was falling
But the shit that I was falling through
I thought it was just the world rising
Maybe I was crawling
Everything moved past me slow
I thought it was just the world sliding

Baby, it's a new world
Baby, it's a new world
Baby, it's a new world
Baby, it's a new world

I won't let my love become my weakness
I won't let my love become my weakness
I won't let my love become my weakness
I won't let my love become my weakness

Tindersticks - New World Songtext

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Album: Soft Tissue (2024)

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