Tindersticks - Nancy Text

Songtext zu Nancy

Nancy, Nancy answer me
Your silence is worse than what you might say
Nancy, just a line and speed
I was feeling slow and lonely

When I was afraid, on my own, you reached around me
When I was afraid and on my own, you were so far and close to me

Nancy, there's so much I can say
Like I was falling and laughing

Nancy, Nancy answer me
Nancy, Nancy answer me

Everyone want a piece of me, everyone
Everyone want a piece of me, everyone took a piece of me

Nancy, is there a game we can play?
Like there is only this moment?
Nancy, Nancy answer me
Your silence is worse than anything you can say

Go tell it to the morning, it don't take no shit
Go tell it to the morning, it don't take no shit
Not like the night

Nancy, Nancy
Nancy, answer me
Nancy, Nancy
Nancy, Nancy

Tindersticks - Nancy Songtext

zu Nancy von Tindersticks - Nancy Lyrics Tindersticks - Nancy Text Nancy Tindersticks Nancy Liedtext
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