Tinashe - None Of My Business Text

Songtext zu None Of My Business

Goddamn, run it back

All you do is tell me lies
I can't even really be surprised anymore
Poison dripping off your tongue
Poison me with all the things that you've done

Now I gotta pay the price
Can't even look me in my eyes
Ain't good for me, it's a drug
Ain't good for me, but I'm dying for some

And so I said, "We can't keep meeting like this"

I can't decide if this is wrong or it's right
I guess if there's someone else, that's none of my business
'Cause once I'm down for you, I'm riding for life

Damn, now you're getting in my head
Still got me thinking 'bout the things that you said
Poison dripping off your tongue
Got me trippin', now I'm back in your bed

Still ain't ever let me go
And I hate that I'm loving it the most
Ain't good for me, it's a drug
Ain't good for me, but I'm dying for some

And so I said, "We can't keep meeting like this"
I can't decide if this is wrong or it's right
I guess if there's someone else, that's none of my business
'Cause once I'm down for you, I'm riding for life

What you do is criminal

Got me hooked on acetone
Tried to quit you yesterday
Poison in my blood and veins

I know I deserve much more
Can't see myself getting sober
Now I'm going through withdraws

And so I said, "We can't keep meeting like this"
I can't decide if this is wrong or it's right
I guess if there's someone else, that's none of my business
'Cause once I'm down for you, I'm riding for life

Tinashe - None Of My Business Songtext

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