Tina Turner - Two People TEXT

Two People
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Songtext zu Two People

Two people living on the edge of life
Are people running out of dreams and time
I can hear it when you tell me so
I can feel it, but I can't let go

Two people gotta stick together and love one another
Save it for a rainy day
Some people gotta stay whatever
And give one another shelter on a rainy day

Two people living in the way we do
Are people trying to keep a love anew
What to say to make some sense of it?
What to do to make the feeling fit?

Two people gotta stick together and love one another
Save it for a rainy day
Some people gotta stay whatever
And give one another shelter on a rainy day

I'll come running to your rescue
You gotta stand by me
There's a lot of love between us
We should never let go

Two people gotta stick together and love one another
Save it for a rainy day
Some people gotta stay whatever
And give one another shelter on a rainy day

Tina Turner - Two People Songtext

zu Two People von Tina Turner - Two People Lyrics Tina Turner - Two People Text Two People Tina Turner Two People Liedtext
Tina Turner Two People Letra de Two People com Tina Turner
Album: Break Every Rule (1986)

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