Tina Turner - Tonight TEXT

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Songtext zu Tonight

Everything's gonna be alright tonight
Everything's gonna be alright tonight
No one moves,
no one grooves
No one talks,
no one walks

Everyone will be alright tonight
Everyone will be alright tonight
No one moves,

no one talks,
no one thinks,
no one walks

(Tina + David)
I will love you till I reach the end
I will love you till I reach the end
I will love you till I die
I will see you in the sky
Tonight, tonight

(Tina + David)
Everyone will be alright tonight
Everyone will be alright tonight
No one moves,
no one talks
No one thinks,
no one walks

tonight, tonight, tonight
tonight, tonight, tonight
tonight, tonight, tonight

Tina Turner & David Bowie - Tonight Songtext

zu Tonight von Tina Turner - Tonight feat. David Bowie Lyrics David Bowie & Tina Turner - Tonight Text Tonight Tina Turner Tonight Liedtext
Tina Turner Tonight Letra de Tonight com Tina Turner zu Tina Turner / David Bowie - Tonight (Live) Tina Turner - Tonight (with David Bowie) [Live]
Album: Tina live in Europe (1988)

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