Songtext zu Coming Home
On a quiet faded pavementI drove myself to find the place
I promised I would never leave behind
But like a subtle proclamation
Of my unkept word I see
The place I once called home has ceased to be
Now there’s nothing left
But broken glass
Empty words and
Empty promises
Coming home
Is not supposed to be like this
Shadow figures on the corner
Like numbers on a list
Coming home
Was supposed to be a gift
But the men that came before me
Can’t be found, now
It’s not nothing more
But something less
This place that I’ve come home to
Is not supposed to be like this
As I made my way downtown
I searched the night in hopes I’d find
The echos of the past
That haunt my mind
But as every moment passes
The hope within me fades with time
And regret forms the words
My tongue can’t find
Now there’s nothing left
Just broken glass
I found the words
And now I’ll get um off my chest
Coming home
Is not supposed to be like this
Shadow figures on the corner
Like numbers on a list
Coming home
Was supposed to be a gift
But the men that came before me
Can’t be found, now
It’s not nothing more
But something less
This place that I’ve come home to
Is not supposed to be like this
I’m coming
I’m home now
I’ve seen enough and
Now it’s time to shut this down
Don’t tell me
You’re sorry
I’ve heard enough
Your excuses won’t be bound
There’s not nothing more
But something less
On a quiet faded pavement
I drove myself to find the place
Coming home
Is not supposed to be like this
Shadow figures on the corner
Like numbers on a list
Coming home
Was supposed to be a gift
But the men that came before me
Can’t be found, now
There’s nothing more
(Not nothing more)
Just something less
(Just something less)
This place that I’ve come home to
Is not supposed to be like this
Coming home
Is not supposed to be like this
Shadow figures on the corner
Like numbers on a list
Timcast und Phil Labonte - Coming Home Songtext
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