Tiësto & Soaky Siren - Tantalizing Text

Songtext zu Tantalizing

[Verse 1]
Crossing my garden
Guess so, my darling
You love a challenge
Press off and balance, oh
Give you my attention
And every one of my senses
I'ma open up the entrance
When you get it, you're relentless, oh

Oh, oh my, oh me, ah
Your eyes on me, ah
No, I won't leave, nah

I lose control
Your touch is so

Tantalizing, ah
Tantalizing, ah
I lose control
Your touch is so
Tantalizing, ah
Tantalizing, ah
I lose control
Your touch is so
See Tiësto Live70

[Verse 2]
You come, I follow
Stay 'til tomorrow
I treat you right, oh
Your name my motto, oh
Give you my attention

And every one of my sensеs
I'ma open up the entrancе
You get relentless when near

Oh, oh my, oh me, ah
Your eyes on me, ah
No, I won't leave, nah
I lose control
Your touch is so

Tantalizing, ah
Tantalizing, ah
I lose control
Your touch is so
Tantalizing, ah
Tantalizing, ah
I lose control
Your touch is so

Tiësto und Soaky Siren - Tantalizing Songtext

zu Tantalizing von Tiësto & Soaky Siren - Tantalizing Lyrics Soaky Siren & Tiësto - Tantalizing Text Tantalizing Tiësto & Soaky Siren Tantalizing Liedtext
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