Them - Gloria Text

Songtext zu Gloria

[Verse 1: Van Morrison]
Like to tell ya about my baby
You know she comes around
She about five feet four
From her head to the ground

[Verse 2: Van Morrison]
You know she comes around here
At just about midnight
She make ya feel so good, Lord
She make ya feel all right

[Pre-Chorus: Van Morrison]
And her name is G-L-O-R-I

[Chorus: Van Morrison and (Them)]
I'm gonna shout it all night (GLORIA)
I'm gonna shout it everyday (GLORIA)

[Verse 2: Van Morrison]
She comes around here
Just about midnight
Ha, she make me feel so good, Lord
I wanna say she make me feel alright

[Verse 3: Van Morrison]
Comes a-walkin' down my street
When she come to my house
She knock upon my door
And then she comes to my room

And she make me feel alright

[Chorus: Van Morrison and (Them)]
I'm gonna shout it all night (GLORIA)
I'm gonna shout it everyday (GLORIA)

[Outro: Van Morrison and (Them)]
Looks so good (GLORIA) well alright
Just so good (GLORIA) alright, yeah

Them - Gloria Songtext

zu Gloria von Them - Gloria Lyrics Them - Gloria Text Them - Gloria Tekst piosenki Gloria Them Gloria Liedtext
Them Gloria Letra de Gloria com Them Them - Gloria Songtekst
Album: The Angry Young Them (1965)

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