The Weeknd - Take Me Back To LA Text

Songtext zu Take Me Back To LA

Take me out of LA
When the sun will kiss on my face
Now the sunshine tracks my skin
I stayed too long
Take me back to a time
When my blood never tasted like wine
My love could fill the sea
But now I can't even feel the breeze
And it hurts when I think about
The nights we would always shout
My voice cracking when we scream
You scream, we scream
And they watched while I wiped your eyеs

And I learned to cover minе
And that's when I realized that

It's better when I'm by myself
By myself, by myself, yeah, oh-oh
It's better when I'm by myself

Take me back to a place
Where the snow will fall on my face
And I miss my city lights
I left too young
Take me back to a time
The trophies that I had would still shine
Now I have nothing real left
I want my soul
And it hurts when I think about
The days I would tell myself
It's ok for me to scream
To scream, to scream
I put my hand over the fire

And see if I still cry (I still cry)
And that's when I realize that

I hate it when I'm by myself
By myself (oh), by myself, oh-oh
I hate it when I'm by myself
By myself, by myself
I hate it when I'm by myself

The Weeknd - Take Me Back To LA Songtext

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