The Proclaimers - Sunshine On Leith TEXT

Sunshine On Leith
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Songtext zu Sunshine On Leith

My heart was broken
My heart was broken
Sorrow, sorrow, sorrow, sorrow

My heart was broken
My heart was broken
You saw it, you claimed it, you touched it, you saved it

My tears are drying
My tears are drying
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you

My tears are drying
My tears are drying

Your beauty and kindness
Your tears clear my blindness

While I'm worth my room on this Earth
I will be with you
While the Chief puts sunshine on Leith
I'll thank him for his work
And your birth, and my birth
Yeah yeah yeah

The Proclaimers - Sunshine On Leith Songtext

zu Sunshine On Leith von The Proclaimers - Sunshine On Leith Lyrics The Proclaimers - Sunshine On Leith Text Sunshine On Leith The Proclaimers Sunshine On Leith Liedtext
The Proclaimers Sunshine On Leith Letra de Sunshine On Leith com The Proclaimers
Album: Sunshine on Leith (1988)

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