The Piano Guys - A Thousand Years Text

Songtext zu A Thousand Years

[Verse 1]
Heart beats fast, colors and promises
How to be brave? How can I love when I'm afraid to fall?
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow

One step closer

I have died every day waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

[Verse 2]
Time stands still, beauty in all she is
I will be brave, I will not let anything take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath, every hour has come to this

One step closer

I have died every day waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more
And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

One step closer
One step closer

I have died every day waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more
And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

The Piano Guys - A Thousand Years Songtext

zu A Thousand Years von The Piano Guys - A Thousand Years Lyrics The Piano Guys - A Thousand Years Text A Thousand Years The Piano Guys A Thousand Years Liedtext
The Piano Guys A Thousand Years Letra de A Thousand Years com The Piano Guys zu Christina Perri - A Thousand Years (Piano/Cello Cover)
Album: i have died everyday waiting for you (love songs) – EP (2024)

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