The Knocks & POWERS - Stay Gold Text

Songtext zu Stay Gold

Let's get it

[Verse 1]
Time's been slipping away
I can feel us getting older, but we look the same
From our house in LA
I used to worry 'bout the future, but that's yesterday
'Cause life tapped me on the shoulder and she opened up my eyes
You never know these are the best days 'til the rest are left behind

While everybody's feeling like the world is gonna еnd

I will call you and remind you once again
To stay gold, hold tight
Good times, thеy won't die
Yeah, stay close, it's alright
And promise you'll remember when forever passes by

To stay gold (Uh, uh)
To stay gold (Uh, uh)
To stay gold (Uh, uh)
To stay gold (Uh, uh)

[Verse 2]
Now that everything's strange
Like we're dancing with each other from so far away
I'm still keeping my faith
'Cause even though the party's over, we still drink champagne


So when everybody's feeling like the world is gonna end
I will call you and remind you once again
To stay gold, hold tight
Good times, they won't die
Yeah, stay close, it's alright
And promise you'll remember when forever passes by

To stay gold (Uh, uh)
To stay gold (Uh, uh)
To stay gold (Uh, uh)
To stay gold (Uh, uh)

Promise you'll remember when forever passes by

To stay gold (Uh, uh)
To stay gold (Uh, uh)
To stay gold (Uh, uh)
To stay gold (Uh, uh)

The Knocks und POWERS - Stay Gold Songtext

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Album: HISTORY (2022)

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