The Horrors - Trial By Fire Text

Songtext zu Trial By Fire

[Verse 1]
Do you hear me when I come to call?
I saw you look the other way
You know you and I are the same
But your name I can't remember
And yes we're all at the [?]
Let's drop the poison pin
I know you and I have the same curse
We're in it

This is the trigger, trigger, trigger
Set me on fire
I wanna feel the heat

Bridges burning, no one left alive
We're at the center of the same sick mind tricks
Self immolation
Catch me on the edge of a razor
Same sick blame mix
Caught in this trial by fire
No one gets out alive

[Verse 2]
So I guess it's time to cut the cord
There will be no tears shed
Go with the feelings you'll pay for
You're locked in my memory
And if I'm hollow at the core
You know we're just four of a kind
Don't deny everyone has the same curse
We're in it

This is the trigger, trigger, trigger

Set me on fire
I wanna feel the heat
Bridges burning, no one left alive
We're at the center of the same sick mind tricks
Self immolation
Catch me on the edge of a razor
Same sick blame mix
Caught in this trial by fire
None of us get out alive

[Instrumental Break]

This is the trigger, trigger, trigger
Set me on fire
I wanna feel the heat
Bridges burning, no one left alive

The Horrors - Trial By Fire Songtext

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Album: Night Life (2025)

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