The Fisherman's Friends - I Saw Three Ships Text

Songtext zu I Saw Three Ships

[Verse 1 (Lead, All)]
I saw three ships come sailing in
On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day
I saw three ships come sailing in
On Christmas Day in the morning

[Verse 2]
Our captain sent us 'round the Horn
On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day
Through frost and snow and icy storms
On Christmas Day in the morning

Heave away, haul away

On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day
Heave away, haul away
On Christmas Day in the morning

[Verse 3]
Wrap him up with ribbons and bows
On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day
Tie him tight with a yo-heave-ho
On Christmas Day in the morning

[Verse 4]
Now it's time to dress the tree
On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day
Let's hang him where the star should be
On Christmas Day in the morning

Heave away, haul away
On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day

Heave away, haul away
On Christmas Day in the morning

[Verse 5]
Sing him carols, drink his wine
On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day
To keep us haulin' ropes in time
On Christmas Day in the morning

[Chorus 2]
Heave away, haul away
On Christmas Day in the morning

[Verse 6]
Raise a glass or two or three
On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day
To end this yuletide mutiny
On Christmas Day in the morning

[Verse 7]
Come, won't you sail us homе
On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day
We jolly boys no more shall roam
On Christmas Day in the morning

Hеave away, haul away
On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day
Heave away, haul away
On Christmas Day in the morning

Heave away, haul away
On Christmas Day in the morning

The Fisherman's Friends - I Saw Three Ships Songtext

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