The Doors - Paris Blues Text

Songtext zu Paris Blues

Well I wish I was girl of sixteen
Be the queen of a magazine
I'd drive around in a great big car
I'd see the world as a great big dream
And all night long you could hear me scream
Hear me scream

When you look around
When you look all around you
Can you believe the shape she's in?
Look all around you
Can you believe the shape she's in?

Know where I'm goin'

Can't remember where I've been
Know right where I'm goin'
But I can't remember where I've been
Goin' to the city of love
Gonna start my life over again, yeah

Once I was young, now I'm gettin' old
Once I was warm, babe, now I feel cold
Well, I'm goin' overseas
Gonna grab me some of that gold

The Doors - Paris Blues Songtext

zu Paris Blues von The Doors - Paris Blues Lyrics The Doors - Paris Blues Text Paris Blues The Doors Paris Blues Liedtext
The Doors Paris Blues Letra de Paris Blues com The Doors
Album: Single (2022)

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