The Christians - Harvest For The World Text

Songtext zu Harvest For The World

All babies together
Everyone a seed
Half of us are satisfied
Half of us in need

Love’s bountiful in us
Tarnished by our greed
Oh, when will there be
A harvest for the world?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

A nation planted

So concerned with gain
As the seasons come and go
Greater grows the pain

And far too many
Feelin’ the strain
Oh, when will there be
A harvest for the world?

Yeah, yeah

Gather every man
Gather every woman
Celebrate your lives
Give thanks for your children (No)

Gather everyone (Gather everyone)
Gather all together (Gather all together)
Overlookin’ none (Overlookin’ none)

Hopin’ life gets better for the world

Yeah, yeah, yeah

Dress me up for battle
When all I want is peace
Those of us who pay the price
Come home with the least

And nation after nation
Turnin’ into beasts
Oh, when will there be
A harvest for the world?

Yeah, hey
When will there be
I wanna know now, now

When will there be a harvest (Harvest for the world)
When will there be a harvest (Harvest for the world)
When will there be a harvest (Harvest for the world)
When will there be a harvest (Harvest for the world)

When will there be a harvest (Harvest for the world)
When will there be a harvest (Harvest for the world)
When will there be (Harvest for the world)
When will there be (Harvest for the world)

Everybody (Harvest for the world)
Oh, talkin’ bout the children (Harvest for the world)
When will there be a harvest (Harvest for the world)
When will there be (Harvest for the world)

The Christians - Harvest For The World Songtext

zu Harvest For The World von The Christians - Harvest For The World Lyrics The Christians - Harvest For The World Text Harvest For The World The Christians Harvest For The World Liedtext
The Christians Harvest For The World Letra de Harvest For The World com The Christians The Christians - Harvest For The World Songtekst The Christians - Harvest For The World Tekst
Album: One Moment in Time (1988 Summer Olympics Album) (1988)

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