The Black Mamba - Sweet Amsterdam Text

Songtext zu Sweet Amsterdam

Hey, i'm coming for you

I'm breaking all the chains now
I'm leaving all my troubles behind

I got my motor runin'
Brother jump in it's about time

To be free to break free ain't nothin’ gon' slow us down

So you betta get ready
Cause papa is comin' to town

Light up the fire set up a jam

Cut off the wires free as a man
And dance to the fire my brother sam
Say: good night sweet Amsterdam

I’m comin for you

Sweet wheels fell like floantin’
We're troding to the edges of time

Well the purple sun is meltin'
I flyin' zebra by my side

Let it be let it be ain’t nothing but a dejavu

U know i've been a lot a places
And nothing compares to you

Light up the fire set up a jam
Cut off the wires free as a man
And dance to the fire my brother sam

Say: good night

Light up the fire enjoy the flight
It will take you higher shinin' bright
And dance to the fire we're outta sight
That's allright

Light the fire im comin for you

Light the fire im comin for you

Light up the fire set up a jam
Cut off the wires free as a man
And dance to the fire my brother sam
Say: good night sweet Amsterdam

Sweet Amsterdam im comin for you

The Black Mamba - Sweet Amsterdam Songtext

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