The Black Crowes - Wanting and Waiting Text

Songtext zu Wanting and Waiting

It′s been a month of Sundays since I could fake a smile
Trying to lose my lonely in self-imposed exile
Trying to stay friendly but feeling so hostile
It's like I′m cold to touch mortuary style
If I could have one more kiss
You know the one you miss
Now I'm nothing but lonely
Waiting and wanting
Wanting and waiting for you

Now I'm blind with no tomorrow in my eyes
The harsh sting of sorrow is one I recognize
The truth of the matter is just one you can′t disguise
I′ve been so lost on my own since the day you said goodbye

I know we don't stand a chance
But gimme gimme this last dance
Now I′m nothing but lonely
Waiting and wanting
Wanting and waiting for you
All night

Now I'm nothing but lonely
Waiting and wanting
Wanting and waiting for you
Now I′m nothing but lonely
Waiting and wanting
Wanting and waiting for you
Blood blood my bloods on fire
Blood blood my bloods on fire
Blood blood my bloods on fire
Blood blood my bloods on fire
Blood blood my bloods on fire
Blood blood my bloods on fire

The Black Crowes - Wanting and Waiting Songtext

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