The 411 - Dumb Text

Songtext zu Dumb

[Verse 1]
Above the feeling, this is revealing
Boy, I didn't know you cared
Must've been up on the weekend
In the club freakin', boy, I could see your stare
You were lookin' right at me lookin' right back
We knew there was something there
And I know you knew that if we did do this
It would be an affair

[Pre-Chorus 1]
'Cause my man's at home
Looking at the finger his ring goes on
He got trust in me

How 'm I gonna live with myself if I cheat?

That'd be dumb, diggi-diggi-di dumb da don't want none
Though I know it would be fun to get some
Gotta run now, gotta go, gotta get home
'Cause my baby boy's on his own

That'd be dumb, diggy diggy di dumb da don't want none
Though I know it'd be fun to get some
Gotta go now, I gots to get home
My baby boy's on his own

[Verse 2]
Up on the dance floor
Then you go ask for a night in with me
But you know that ain't gonna happen
I won't get trapped in
This, see, it just ain't me

And you could try seduce me, but it's no use, see
I'm in love with my baby
And I won't let you in, mess up and ruin
To do that I'd be crazy

[Pre-Chorus 1]
Ah yeah
'Cause my man's at home
Looking at the finger his ring goes on
He got trust in me
How 'm I gonna live with myself if I cheat?
Come on

Better be dumb diggi-diggi-di dumb da don't want none
Though I know it would be fun to get some
Gotta run now, gotta go, gotta get home
'Cause my baby boy's on his own

Better be dumb diggi-diggi-di dumb da don't want none
Though I know it'd be fun to get some
Gotta go now, I gots to get home
My baby boy's on his own

There's no way that I'm gonna play
I don't care what you gonna say
Even tho' you make me crazy
I won't risk losin' my baby

There's no way that I'm gonna play
I don't care what you gonna say
Even tho' you make me crazy
I won't risk losin' my baby

That'd be dumb, diggi-diggi-di dumb da don't want none
Though I know it would be fun to get some
Gotta run now, gotta go, gotta get home
'Cause my baby boy's on his own

Better be dumb diggi-diggi-di dumb da don't want none
Though I know it would be fun to get some
Gotta go now, I gots to get home
My baby boy's on his own

Dumb diggi-diggi-di dumb
Might be fun
Da don't want none
Though I know
But may be dumb
It'd be fun to get some
Gotta run now, gotta go
[ununderstood ad-libs]*
Gotta get home
'Cause my baby boy's on his own
He's the one

Better be dumb diggi-diggi-di dumb
Might be fun
Da don't want none
Though I know
But may be dumb
It'd be fun to get some
Gotta go now
[ununderstood ad-libs]**
I gots to get home
My baby boy's on his own

The 411 - Dumb Songtext

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Album: Between the Sheets (2004)

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