TeO - Immortal Text

Songtext zu Immortal

What if our love is just immortal?
I'm looking for the answers
In the eyes of strangers
You know all of me, you know I can hurt you
'Cause every true love story
Always got some tragedy

Hold me very tight when you're feeling so alone
Hold me till the end, until the day we're getting old
We're all used and beaten up, losing faith and losing hope
Every time I'm all by myself

Ooh, baby, I don't wanna end it

And even if I know it hurts
I'll be standing next to you again
Baby, I don't wanna end it
And even if I know it hurts
I'll be standing next to you

One day my mother
Her intuition's always right
Told me she's the one that I should always take a fight
(The whisper in my mind says)
I'll never be enough for her (You'll never be enough)
You know how to talk to me when I am too tired
You always put trust in me whenever I lie
I'm sorry
But only you can fix me, oh

Ooh, baby, I don't wanna end it
And even if I know it hurts
I'll be standing next to you again
Baby, I don't wanna end it

And even if I know it hurts
I'll be standing next to you

You know I'll be next to you

Baby, I don't wanna end it
And even if I know it hurts
I'll be standing next to you again
Oh, baby, I don't wanna end it
And even if I know it hurts
I'll be standing next to you

TeO - Immortal Songtext

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