Tarrus Riley - She's Royal Text

Songtext zu She's Royal

[Verse 1: Tarrus Riley]
Ooo ooo, natural beauty, she is
No I never met someone shy
Until I seen your eyes
Still I had to try, yeah
Oh yes, let me get my words right and then approach you
Woman I treat you like a man is suppose to
You never have to cry, no
I know everyone can relate to when they find that special someone

And she's royal, yeah so royal
And, I want her in my life
I never knew anyone so one-of-a-kind, no

The way she move to her own beat
She has the qualites of a queen, she's a queen
Ooo ooo what a natural beauty
No need no make-up to be a cutie
She's a queen, she's a queen

And when they ask what a good woman's made of
She's not afraid and ashamed of
Who she is

She's royal yeh, so royal
And I need her in my life
I never knew anyone, so one of a kind
Until the night that I seen your eyes
Oooww nubian queen, my queen
Oooww nubian queen, my queen soo supreme

[Verse 2: Tarrus Riley]
I can see it in her eyes, the way she smiles
Eh yes I & I, I know the king an queen crowned same time

So I'll never leave your side, just stick with me trough the trial times
And she says she no mind, cau right I now, good man is hard to find
And she cannot a bother join no line, thats why she has no ties at this time
I know many men are trying, but she needs to be more than wined and dined, because

And she's royal, yeah so royal
And, I want her in my life
I never knew anyone so one-of-a-kind, no
The way she move to her own beat
She has the qualites of a queen, so supreme
Ooo ooo what a natural beauty
No need no make-up to be a cutie
She's a queen, so supreme

And when they ask what a good woman's made of
She's not afraid and ashamed of
Who she is

She's royal, yeah so royal
And, I want her in my life
I never knew anyone so one of a kind, no, no
The way she move to her own beat
She has the qualities of a queen, my nubian queen
Ooo ooo what a natural beauty

Tarrus Riley - She's Royal Songtext

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