Songtext zu Shining
I held a shooting star
On my hand it burned like sun
Cast a shadow like a mountain
Somehow we walked this far
Deep into the dream of light
Cast a shadow like a mountain
Breathe through the night
I will be by your side
Afar, this darker light
Leave like you left before
Lay down on your shore
And love, I'll understand
Leave like lover leave at first light
Rip out the heart of entwined
Kill like lovers kill the light
Push the daggers through my spinе, paralyse!
And our hearts dividing
When thеse words have been said and done
And this world will rip us apart
On my shore I'm shining dark
Somehow we made this far
This haven of salvation
Led to road of isolation
Behind your ocean eyes
Will you catch the light on water?
Sail to home, my heart was open
Leave like lovers leave at first light
Rip out the hearts of entwined
And shine!
And our hearts dividing
When these words have been said and done
And this world will rip us apart
On my shore I'm shining dark
Swallow the Sun - Shining Songtext
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