Supermax - Living In A World Text

Songtext zu Living In A World

I am living in a world that you can't see
I am living in a world oh oh let me be
I am living in a world that you can't see anymore

I am living in a world that you can't see
I am living in a world oh oh let me be
I am living in a world that you can't see anymore

As long a river runs down to the sea
As log a flower will grow on mother earth
There is a blind man who is telling me about a land
Somewhere in another world

'Cause I am living in a world that you can't see

I am living in a world oh oh let me be
I am living in a world that you can't see anymore

We are living in a world
We are living in a world
We are living in a world

As long a woman can love a man
As long the children can live in happiness
I will be praying as much as I can
That this world doesn't change to another one

'Cause I am living in a world that you can't see
I am living in a world oh oh let me be
I am living in a world that you can't see anymore

'Cause I am living in a world that you can't see
'Cause I am living in a world that you can't see
'Cause I am living in a world

'Cause I am living in a world

Supermax - Living In A World Songtext

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Album: Something in My Heart (1986)

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