Sunny Day Real Estate - In Circles Text

Songtext zu In Circles

[Verse 1]
Meet me there
In the blue
Where words are not
Feeling remains
Trust in me
Throw myself
Into your door

(Well, I go) In circles (Running down)
In circles (I'm running down)
In circles (Running down)

In circles (Running down)

[Verse 2]
Meet me there
In the blue
Where words are not
Feeling remains
Ooh, I dream
To heal your wounds
But I bleed myself
Well, I bleed myself

(Well, I go) In circles (Running down)
In circles (I'm running down)
In circles (Running down)
In circles (Running down)


In Circles

(Well, I go) In circles (Running down)
In circles (I'm running down)
In circles (Running down)
In circles (Running down)

Sunny Day Real Estate - In Circles Songtext

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Album: Diary (1994)

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