Suki Waterhouse - To Get You Text

Songtext zu To Get You

I had a wandering ego
And a black vintage coat
From the broken-down past
Honey, you'll never know
What I did, what I did to get you

On our summer late-night drives
I would switch lanes
With my hands over my eyes
Swerving right to escape
What I left
What I left
To get you

To know you
Lost every little thing
To watch you
To want you
Lost every little thing
To hold you
I had to
Mastermind your dreams
To get you
To get you

Outside it's spring again
I'm drifting away
We float through cartoon clouds
Turning blue into grey
And there's no place on earth (No place on earth)
I know you could keep
To be a secret of our own
Bury it right next to me
What I'd do all over again

To get you
To know you
Lost every little thing
To watch you
To want you
Lost every little thing
To hold you
I had to give just about everything
To get you

I dodged a bullet, still half of my heart bled out
Burned all the bridges, the fire kept falling down
Cried in the theatre to the scenes where I saved you
That's what I did
That's what I did

And there's no place on earth
The wolves could ever take
'Cause this promise I keep
Is the one I'd always make
What I'd do
All over again
To get you

Suki Waterhouse - To Get You Songtext

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