Songtext zu Walking Through Walls
Time improves you or dilutes you
But there is no standing still
If you don't scream nobody hears you
If you won't fight then no one will
Well I'm walking
Walking through walls
Walking through walls
You can breath under water
You will find it hard at first
Getting used to ritual slaughter
Feeling like your head might burst
Well I'm walking
Walking through walls
Walking through walls
Bare your teeth and bang your drum
Get up on your legs and start to run
No, no, no you can't sit down
No one's friend and no one's clown
You can not deal with a madman
Eighty reasons sinking fast
And your roof becomes steel girtered
Flashing through well shaded glass
Well I'm walking
Walking through walls
Walking through walls
Bare your teeth and bang your drum
Get up on your legs and start to run
No, no, no you can't sit down
No one's friend and no one's clown
Walking, walking through walls
Walking, walking through walls
Walking, walking through walls
Walking, walking through walls
Walking, walking through walls
Walking, walking through walls
Walking, walking through walls
Steve Hackett - Walking Through Walls Songtext
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Walking Through Walls
Songtext von
Steve Hackett
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