Stereo Underground - Northern Lights Text

Songtext zu Northern Lights

[Verse 1: Benjamin Gibbard]
I remember your silhouette on Dyes Inlet
Against the silver sheen of a moon like painted glass
Under stars out on a pier; a celestial sphere
We were weightless as the waves that disappeared

[Chorus: Benjamin Gibbard]
Northern lights filled our skies
Empty nights synchronized

[Verse 2: Benjamin Gibbard with Lauren Mayberry]
We shared a clove cigarette on the parapet
As the TVs glowed from the windows of the model homes
And I'd never be that close again to your lips and perfect skin

As the tide receded into the unknown

[Chorus: Benjamin Gibbard & Lauren Mayberry]
Northern lights filled our skies
Empty nights synchronized
Northern lights filled our skies
Empty nights synchronized

[Post-Chorus: Benjamin Gibbard]
I remember your silhouette on Dyes Inlet

[Instrumental Break]

[Chorus: Benjamin Gibbard & Lauren Mayberry]
Northern lights filled our skies
Empty nights synchronized
Northern lights filled our skies
Empty nights synchronized

Stereo Underground - Northern Lights Songtext

zu Northern Lights von Stereo Underground - Northern Lights Lyrics Stereo Underground - Northern Lights Text Northern Lights Stereo Underground Northern Lights Liedtext
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Album: Thank You for Today (2018)

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