Solya - We Say Goodbye Text

Songtext zu We Say Goodbye

[Verse 1]
I saw you paint the sun
And steal the night
I heard you're on the run
And losing fights

You're all I know, all I need
What we are slowly kills me
Beneath what we're made of
I know you did it for love

[Verse 2]
Your mother's hollowed heart

Still beats the same
Her baby ain't coming back
And she's to blame

You're all I know, all I need
What we are slowly kills me
Beneath what we're made of
I know you did it for love

You laugh
I cry
We say goodbye
You laugh
I cry
We say goodbye


Beneath what we'rе made of
I know you did it for love
Benеath what we're made of
I know you did it for love

Solya - We Say Goodbye Songtext

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Solya We Say Goodbye Letra de We Say Goodbye com Solya Solya - We Say Goodbye Tekst
Album: Take Me - Single (2024)

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