Solya - Monster Text

Songtext zu Monster

[Verse 1]
I don't miss the way it was, I don’t miss it
If you could see me now, you'd be sorry then
I don't like the way you talk, I don’t like it
A voice that stays in my head

Maybe I'm the monster
You said I was
Trouble always finds me
You know it does

[Verse 2]
Playing on the radio like a dream

I'm the Texas queen; Shelley, Jayne, and me
Another play, another scene, director please
You're out there walking free

Maybe you're the monster
You said I was
Trouble always finds you
I know it does

Nothing you say could ever make me wanna stay
I can escape from the pain, I wash away

Maybe you're the monster
You said I was
Trouble always finds you
I know it does

Nothing you say could ever make me wanna stay
I can escape from the pain, from the pain, from the-

Solya - Monster Songtext

zu Monster von Solya - Monster Lyrics Solya - Monster Text Monster Solya Monster Liedtext
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Album: Monster (2024)

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