Sojung - I'm here Text

Songtext zu I'm here

[이소정 "I'm here" 가사]

Now we're fall down
I lost your hand in a twinkle
The floor was frozen
We’ve gotta find another way
The way we were holding together

It keeps pulling me in deep water
And it feels like a kingdom without an exit (exit)
Please tell me how to go through this
It’s necessary so we can hold our hands again (again)

When your eyes show me the way
Your breath, it makes me invincible
You don’t have to be afraid
Cause I’ll never ever leave you
Alone again, again

Now we're fall down
I lost your hand in a twinkle
The floor was frozen
We’ve gotta find another way
The way we were holding together

It keeps pulling me in deep water
And it feels like a kingdom without an exit (exit)
Please tell me how to go through this

It’s necessary so we can hold our hands again (again)

When your eyes show me the way
Your breath, it makes me invincible
You don’t have to be afraid
Cause I’ll never ever leave you
Alone again, again

Again..I'm here

Sojung - I'm here Songtext

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Album: 왜 오수재인가 (Why Her?) Original Soundtrack, Pt. 5 (2022)

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