Snow Patrol - These Lies Text

Songtext zu These Lies

I'm not gonna lie to you anymore
After these lies, then no more
I never really loved you at all
So just walk away and don't ever call
Your kiss, it never brought me to my knees
I didn't ache for you until my heart would cease
And time, it never slowed down over us
When you were here with me it was never thus

Ooh and my hand never dials up your number
And it's not like I want you to wonder
If I'm lost and I'm thinking of you
'Cause yes I am fine and I'm finally clearer

To understand what it is to be nearer
And that love is just pain in reverse

And all these lies are mine
And they're the only thing that's fine
And the only way I'll wear this for now
'Cause when we meet again
You won't see it in me then
'Cause I've buried it in all that you're not

And so all I've got are lies for you even now
They're all carved in me, in the dust somehow
So when I say I never felt the garden burst into life
When I looked at you, well, it must be true
'Cause I've told myself a million times who you weren't
So I can finally forget who you were
'Cause if who you are is everything and I missed it
How could I live now like some counterfeit?

Ooh and my hand never dials up your number

And it's not like I want you to wonder
If I'm lost and I'm thinking of you
'Cause, yes, I am fine and I'm finally clearer
To understand what it is to be nearer
And that love is just pain in reverse

And all these lies are mine
And they're the only thing that's fine
And the only way I'll wear this for now
And when we met again
You won't see it in me then
'Cause I've buried it in all that you're not

I'm not gonna lie to you anymore
After these lies, then no more

Snow Patrol - These Lies Songtext

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