Songtext zu Heaven and Hell
[Verse 1]Remember we made a promise
Despite all heavens and hells
To stand alongside each other
I choose you over myself
I hope you know that I’m honest
My heart’s as pure as it was
You cured me over and over
Why can’t I give what is yours
It’s heaven and hell
Inside your heart
You struggle finding truth
Inside the dark
You don’t know what you’re feeling
It’s heaven and hell
Inside my head
I’m longing for you
But you’re running late
You don’t know what I’m feeling
It’s hеaven and hell
You thought I would be alright
And that my hеart would go on
But maybe I am better off alone
It’s heaven and hell
Inside your heart
You struggle finding truth
Inside the dark
You don’t know what you’re feeling
It’s heaven and hell
Inside my head
I’m longing for you
But you’re running late
You don’t know what I’m feeling
It’s heaven and hell
Wasn’t I all you ever wanted
All you ever wanted
All that you want still
Simon Lewis - Heaven and Hell Songtext
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