Shoe - Preppers Text

Songtext zu Preppers

There's no hope here darling
We're all going to die
Take yourself outside
If you want to cry
There's no god or angels
There's no place to rest
In this bitter end
We did our best

There's no love here darling
There's no help to come
In your heart don't blame them
All said and done

While these cars keep burning
We can warm our hands
There are things you're learning
You'll understand

It's weird out there
It's weird out there
It's weird out there
It's weird out there

There's no words left darling
There's no better lie
In this dust and twilight
You had your time
While your heart keeps beating
Let your body rest
There's no sense in blaming
I did my best

It's weird out there

It's weird out there
It's weird out there
It's weird out there

There's no hope here darling
We're all going to die
There's no joy no pleasure
No time to buy
And I watched you fading
Only salt and tears
And I begged my heart but
It was all just fear

Shoe - Preppers Songtext

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