Songtext zu Blood Sweat & Tears
I was raised by wolves
I was born to lead
And I starve 'til there's no more mouths to feed
There's a hand on my throat
And a blade at my feet
But the weight of the world won't bend my knees
Broken bones, battle scars
I have seen the bloodshed
Carved in stone, when it's my sword
They won't forget
No war, no peace
'Till I lead them all
Leave me with my demons
Hear my voice call
No fears or sorrows underneath these bones
Just blood, sweat and tears
Is all I know
I can use who I want
And I taste what I please
In this world I get all my fantasies
There's a hand on my throat
And a child at my feet
But the weight of the world won't bend my knees
No war, no peace
'Till I lead them all
Leave me with my demons
Hear my voice call
No fears or sorrows underneath these bones
Just blood, sweat and tears
Is all I know
[Don't wash away my Blood, don't wash away my Sweat, don't wash away my Tears]
Don't wash my spirit, don't cleanse my soul
Can't break my courage, and I won't fall
'Cause that's all I know
No war, no peace
'Till I lead them all
Leave me with my demons
Hear my voice call
No fears or sorrows underneath these bones
Just blood, sweat and tears
Is all I know
Sheryl Lee Ralph - Blood Sweat & Tears Songtext
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Blood Sweat & Tears
Songtext von
Sheryl Lee Ralph
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