Sharon Van Etten - Porta Text

Songtext zu Porta

[Verse 1]
Cross the lines
You don't know who’s lookin'
Up ahead
Another one who's bookin’

Wanna hear myself, wanna be there
Wanna stay, but I don't wanna leave it
Wanna hold head up, don't wanna stay down
I wanna live my life
But you won't allow

[Verse 2]

Stalker wanna be like
"I don't wanna hear that"

I wanna be myself, wanna be there
You wanna rip my style, and wanna be there
You wanna hear my love, wanna be there
You wanna steal my life

I want you to stop trying to get in the door that you step through

I wanna be myself (Stay out of my life)
Don't let him find us
Don't want that lifе (Stay out of my life)
Think straight, get by (Stay out of my life)
Gotta think straight to gеt by (Stay out of my life)
Think straight, get by (Stay out of my life)

Wanna be myself
You wanna be my
Wanna be myself
You wanna be my
Wanna be myself
You wanna be my
I wanna be myself

Stay out of my life
Stay out of my life
Stay out of my life
Stay out of my life

Sharon Van Etten - Porta Songtext

zu Porta von Sharon Van Etten - Porta Lyrics Sharon Van Etten - Porta Text Porta Sharon Van Etten Porta Liedtext
Sharon Van Etten Porta Letra de Porta com Sharon Van Etten
Album: Porta (2022)

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