Songtext zu Mistakes
[Verse 1]I walk down the road
Let my body wake up by the way
You'll move
Skate around the room
See my body ache, my body shake
Boom boom
Even when I make a mistake
Even when I make a mistake mistake mistake
It's much better than that
[Verse 2]
I dance like Elaine
But my baby takes me to the floor
Says 'more more'
Eyes close to stares
My baby takes, my body shares
Lights flare
Even when I make a mistake
Even when I make a mistake mistake mistake
It's much better than that
When I make a mistake
Turns out it's great, it's great, it's great
I'm much better than that
It's much better than that
[Synth Instrumental]
Even when I make a mistake
Even when I make a mistake mistake
Turns out great
Even when you're late, you're late, you're late
It's much better than that
It's much better than that
It's much better than that
Sharon Van Etten - Mistakes Songtext
zu Mistakes von Sharon Van Etten - Mistakes Lyrics Sharon Van Etten - Mistakes Text Mistakes Sharon Van Etten Mistakes LiedtextSharon Van Etten Mistakes Letra de Mistakes com Sharon Van Etten
Album: We’ve Been Going About This All Wrong (2022)
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