Songtext zu Beaten Down
[Verse 1]
Your big ol' heart takes a lot on
Shoulders the world
It takes a lot to unfold
And you compromise so
Don't try to understand
Your big ol' heart gets beaten down
It ain't beaten down
It ain't beaten down
It ain't beaten down
It ain't beaten down
Don't you hear it beatin' now?
[Verse 2]
We're dig on life
You try to see her but she wants you back
And you see it all over her face
Our freedom
We breathe in
We have a good life
Then you see her like that
Your big ol' heart gets beaten down
It ain't beaten down
It ain't beaten down
It ain't beaten down
It ain't beaten down
Don't get shot down in the dark alley
Where the air's smoke
And we're so misunderstood
Your big ol' heart gets beaten down
It ain't beaten down
It ain't beaten down
It ain't beaten down
It ain't beaten down
Don't mean you're beaten now
Sharon Van Etten - Beaten Down Songtext
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