Sebastian Zappel & The Voice of Germany - Pretty Things Text

Songtext zu Pretty Things

I took a picture of a sunset
So I can look at it again
I will always keep it close in case the sunsets ever end
And mama always told me
That little goes a long way
And so I always played it small in case the big things left

I guess I'm scared
Oh it's just the way I am

But what if I wake up sometime tomorrow
And I left my worries in the past
What if I'm worth it
What if I deserve that

All of the pretty things will last

Oh how I would wonder
How I would wonder
If I didn't break down
For all of my self doubt
How I would wonder
How I would wonder

I guess it's kinda easy
Keep my hopes real low
So I don't get my heart broken if it all just goes
But I don't wann live like that
Stuck inside my doubts
And my old regrets
I'm more than all the pieces I tore
More than pieces on the floor

I guess I'm scared
Oh it's just the way I am

But what if I wake up sometime tomorrow
And I left my worries in the past
What if I'm worth it
What if I deserve that
All of the pretty things will last

Oh how I would wonder
How I would wonder
How I would wonder
How I would wonder

What if I wake up
Sometime tomorrow
I left my worries in the past
What if I'm worth it
What if I deserve that
All of the pretty things will last
Oh how I wonder

Sebastian Zappel und The Voice of Germany - Pretty Things Songtext

zu Pretty Things von Sebastian Zappel & The Voice of Germany - Pretty Things Lyrics The Voice of Germany & Sebastian Zappel - Pretty Things Text Pretty Things Sebastian Zappel & The Voice of Germany Pretty Things Liedtext
Sebastian Zappel & The Voice of Germany Pretty Things Letra de Pretty Things com Sebastian Zappel & The Voice of Germany The Voice of Germany: Sebastian Zappel - Pretty Things Songtekst Sebastian Zappel & The Voice of Germany - Pretty Things Tekst Sebastian Zappel - Pretty Things | Finals | The Voice Of Germany 2024
Album: Pretty Things (2024)

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