Songtext zu Lost in the Solar Winds
Zobacz tłumaczenie tekstu piosenkiLost in the Solar Winds po polsku 🇵🇱 »
Another galaxy
Another boring light year
No radar
No direction
Who can name this destiny
Who can take this solitude
Random contact
In random system
Always aggressive
Always ignorant
Scumfusion - Lost in the Solar Winds Songtext
zu Lost in the Solar Winds von Scumfusion - Lost in the Solar Winds Lyrics Scumfusion - Lost in the Solar Winds Text Lost in the Solar Winds Scumfusion Lost in the Solar Winds LiedtextScumfusion Lost in the Solar Winds Letra de Lost in the Solar Winds com Scumfusion Scumfusion - Lost in the Solar Winds Songtekst Scumfusion - Lost in the Solar Winds Tekst
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