Scorpions - Lady starlight Text

Songtext zu Lady starlight

Walking through a winter night,
Counting the stars
And passing time
I dream about the summer days,
Love in the sun
And lonely bays

I see the stars, they're miles and miles away
Like our love,
On one of these lonely winter nights

Dreaming through a winter night,
Memories of you are passing by
It seems to me like yesterday

I think you knew I couldn't stay

I see the stars, they're miles and miles away
Like our love
Lady starlight, help me to find my love
Lady starlight, help me tonight
Help me to find my love

Walking through a winter night,
Counting the stars
And passing time
Snow dances with the wind
I wish, I could be with you again

I see the stars, they're miles and miles away
Like our love
Lady starlight, help me to find my love
Lady starlight, help me tonight
Help me to find my love

Lady starlight, help me tonight
Help me to find my love

Lady starlight, help me tonight
Help me to find my love

Scorpions - Lady starlight Songtext

zu Lady starlight von Scorpions - Lady starlight Lyrics Scorpions - Lady starlight Text Lady starlight Scorpions Lady starlight Liedtext
Scorpions Lady starlight Letra de Lady starlight com Scorpions
Album: Animal Magnetism (1980)

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