Sarah Connor - Not So Silent Night Text

Songtext zu Not So Silent Night

Five in the mornin'
All so peaceful and cold
You could hear a pin fallin'
It's beginning to dawn
24th of December
Once again, it is time
For a not so silent, not so silent night

[Verse 1]
Ooh, kids crashin' down the stairs
Dogs barkin' everywhere
Sister yellin' on the phone
Bublé on the radio

Neighbours knockin' on the door
Food burnin' on the stove
Baby never wants to sleep
And a bird flew in the tree

Everybody scream, everybody shout
Ain't this what it's all about?

It's all right, it's all right
Oh, guess it's a not so silent night
It's all right, yeah, it's all right
Oh, guess it's a not so silent, not so silent night

[Verse 2]
Kids complainin' Santa's late
Brothеr stuck on the train
And Mariah still insists
I'm her only Christmas wish

Grandpa in his underwеar
Snorrin' in his rocking chair
Mother's twenty-second call
And who's the stranger in the hall?

Everybody scream, everybody shout
Guess that's what it's all about?

It's all right, it's all right
Oh, guess it's a not so silent night
It's all right, yeah, it's all right
Oh, guess it's a not so silent, not so silent night

Not so silent night

Finally, kids in bed
Now, friends naggin' me instead
Askin' me to come and join
God, I'm gonna lose my mind
Dressin' up, black and pink
I just need one more drink
Ahh, fuck
See you later in the club

It's all right, it's all right
Oh, guess it's a not so silent night
It's all right, yeah, it's all right
Oh, guess it's a not so silent, not so silent night

Sarah Connor - Not So Silent Night Songtext

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Album: Not So Silent Night (2022)

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