Sandra N - Monte Carlo Text

Songtext zu Monte Carlo

Drive me to Monte carlo,
To Monte carlo
To Monte carlo baby

I wanna feel alive,
have no other life
I wanna make it count

Every day & night feels so allright
Today’s the best day of my life

Bad days and sorrow
I can make it go away

Make it go away,
now I’m on my way

Forget tomorrow
When I’m living it today,
Living it today,
Living my best day

Drive me to Monte carlo,
To Monte carlo
To Monte carlo baby

You gotta trust your mind
And you will find
The power to move on

The choice is in your hand
You’ll understand
In life you’re on your own

Bad days and sorrow
I can make it go away
Make it go away,
now I’m on my way

Forget tomorrow
When I’m living it today,
Living it today,
Living my best day

Drive me to Monte carlo,
To Monte carlo
To Monte carlo baby

Sandra N - Monte Carlo Songtext

zu Monte Carlo von Sandra N - Monte Carlo Lyrics of Monte Carlo by Sandra N - Monte Carlo Text Monte Carlo Sandra N Monte Carlo Liedtext
Sandra N Monte Carlo Letra de Monte Carlo com Sandra N

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