Samu Haber - That Time Of Year Text

Songtext zu That Time Of Year

[Verse 1]
That time of year when shops close early, everyone has gone home
That time of year when you can really hurt me, the world is movin' so slow
That time of year you think 'bout all your choices, where the hell did you go?
It's never colder than when hearts get warmer and it's supposed to snow

My doorbell is ringin'
I'm far out of reach
No choir boys singin'
No lights on any trees

I really wish that you found someone

That he holds your hand, that he understands
Don't worry, I'm good at drowning tears
Baby, it's that time of year
Thеre's Christmas songs on the radio
Creeping in like Radiohеad
Don't worry, I'm good at drowning tears
Baby, it's that time of year

[Verse 2]
An empty seat, no talk around the table, we didn't make it this year
And all the kids are hooked on their new AirPods, silent night over here
I've seen the world like I'm a sailor on the seven seas
There's one season that I'm avoidin', I spend it on the beach

My doorbell is ringin'
I'm far out of reach
No choir boys singin'
By the slot machines

I really wish that you found someone
That he holds your hand, that he understands
Don't worry, I'm good at drowning tears
Baby, it's that time of year
There's Christmas songs on the radio
Creeping in like Radiohead
Don't worry, I'm good at drowning tears
Baby, it's that time of year

Samu Haber - That Time Of Year Songtext

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Album: Me Free My Way (2024)

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