Samu Haber - Gimme Your Hand Text

Songtext zu Gimme Your Hand

Don't tell me you're sorry
'Cause I know you ain't walking around in regret
At the end of the story
You'll find a new friend you'll never forget

Gimme your hand

Gimme your hand baby, I will guide you
We can get lost now that I have found you
You feel the world burning

Jump high with me, baby
Let's fly to the moon and then back when we're done
Keep making me crazy

Please stay
'Cause I can't do these all on my own
Baby, gimme your hand

Yes, gimme your hand, baby, I will guide you
We can get lost now that I have found you
You feel the world burning
This is our chance and we should not waste it
We can keep dancing when all else fails, yeah
You see the days turning

Gimme your hand
Gimme your hand
Baby, gimme your hand
Yeah, hey, ey

So gimme your hand, baby, I will guide you
We can get lost now that I have found you
You feel the world burning
This is our chance and we should not waste it

We can keep dancing when all else fails, yeah
You see the days turning

Baby, gimme your hand
Please gimme your hand
Gimme your hand

Don't say that you're sorry
'Cause I loved you, I love you too much to look back

Samu Haber - Gimme Your Hand Songtext

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